Department of
Chemical Engineering
NMT的化学工程系是发展最快的部门之一. 化学工程学位是一种高度灵活和适应性强的教育. Graduates work in virtually every field and command the highest wages.
365彩票在线过滤的化学工程项目获得了工程学院的认可 accreditation commission of ABET.
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Department News:
Department Activities/News
- 干得好,Janet Baffoe和Tahmidul Islam获得了第一名和第二名
- Congratulations Madeline Finale for successfully defending her thesis, "利用光热纳米颗粒增强环氧树脂的热驱动类流动行为
Visible Light" on September 28th. Great Job, Madeline!
- 梅西学者计划是基于在课堂和/或研究方面的成就
credit to the individual student and to New Mexico Tech. These accomplishments could
to the university, and research endeavors and other relevant activities.
This year, two of our students were selected to be Macey Scholars; Samantha Lindholm and James Angelos. Congratulations to both of these outstanding students!
- Congratulations to Aaron Plant! Aaron successfully defended his thesis, "聚(3-己基噻吩)嵌段共聚物对环境溶解度的控制
Preferable Solvents and Their Applications" on July 19th. Great Job, Aaron!
- 我们向您介绍我们2023年化学工程学士学位的毕业生
class! Congratulations, everyone!
- 我们的学生在刚刚过去的周末(4月21日至23日)在2023年AIChE Rocky中表现出色
Mountain Regional Conference at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. Arrika Duran
NMT AIChE团队在Jeopardy竞赛中获得了第一名! Way
to go!
- Madeline Finale为她的提案“等离子体难熔氮化钛纳米颗粒”进行了辩护
19th. Great Job, Madeline!
Congratulations ChemE的萨曼莎·林德霍尔姆被评为365彩票在线过滤2023年工程专业学生 of the Year! See more here.- Congratulations ChemE的Arrika Duran在食品、制药和生物技术领域获得第三名
V Poster Competition at the 2022's AIChE Student Conference in Phoenix, AZ.
- Congratulations 由ChemE的Atiqur Rahman(左三)夺得口头陈述第一名
- 2022 Permian Basin Gas Processors Scholarship
Recipients: Gaeun Kim and James Angelos - 最近,我们的赛斯·普莱斯在《365彩票在线过滤》的女性风暴节目中扮演了一个小角色 Chasers! Check it out here.
- Congratulations 2022 Chemical Engineering Graduates!
- On April 27th, 2022 Socorro High School hosted their annual Science Night. NMT Chemical Engineering participated in this outreach event -
- Dr. Pabitra Choudhury and student, Naomi Helsel recently had their paper, "调控电子描述符增强fepc功能化的ORR活性 Graphene via Substrate Doping and/or Ligand Exchange: A Theoretical Study" published in 《365彩票在线计划》,美国化学会会刊, March 10th, 2022 Volume 126, Issue 9. The article was also featured on the front cover of the journal. And were also featured in the NMT Kudos News and Events in NMT Academic Affairs March 2022 newsletter.
- Congratulations Brandon McReynolds!
Brandon has been selected as New Mexico Tech's 2022 Engineering Student of the Year!
Chris Walkling (B.S., Chemical Engineering, 2020)最近在2021年秋季海军的一篇关于生物燃料发展的文章中出现 Aviation News - read a copy of the article at:
沃克林是一个研发生物/化学混合工艺的研究小组的成员 它利用海水中的细菌产生一种“平台”化学物质,这种化学物质可以 then be converted into jet, diesel, gasoline or even missile fuel. - A Chemical Engineering student has been awarded the 2021-2022 Victor Saracini Memorial Scholarship for $2,000! Congratulations!
- 几名NMT ChemE学生参加了海报比赛,并参加了比赛 2021 AIChE Conference in Boston, MA.
- Two Chemical Engineering Students (Gaeun Kim and Taylor Le) were the Fall 2021 Permian Basin Gas Processors Association Scholarship (August, 2021).
- 化学工程专业的学生,Idalis Hernandez是今年的获奖者 True Grit Award (2021).
Chemical Engineering Department at NMT successfully organized the 2020 Rocky Mountain Student Regional Conference.
- Welcome to our newest faculty member Dr. Donglee Shin.
- Department organized the first successful Virtual Alumni Meeting on May, 21 (2020).
- Aubrey Hands received Outstanding Student of the Year Award (2020) from the Department.
- William Hale won the NMT Cramer award (2020 graduating batch)
- Aubrey Hands, Dominic Filonowich, Chris Walking and Alan Tirado received the Department Service Award (2020).
- Aubrey Hands has been selected as the Outstanding Engineering Student Award (2020) by Professional Engineers at New Mexico Tech.
- 两名化学工程系学生(奥布里·汉兹和多米尼克·菲洛诺维奇)获得了第一名 place and 3rd place for the poster competion in the Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology III Division and the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division, respectively, at the National AIChE Student Conference 2019, Orlando. Congratulations to both of them!
- William R. Hale, Aubrey Hands and Mia Navarro from Chemical Engineering Department are Tau Beta Pi Scholarship (2019-2020) Award Winners.
- Margaret House won the NMT Brown award (2019 graduating batch).
来自化学工程系的Veronica Espinoza和Alan Tirado被选中 as the Macey Scholars for the 2019-2020 school year.
Alan Tirado also won Student Appreciation Award (2019).
Alan Tirado and Meghan Hill received the Department Service Award (2019).
Meghan Hill and Jayla Irvin (joint winner) received the Outstanding Student of The Year award (2019).
Dr. Leclerc received the AIChE 2018-2019 Distinguished Faulty Award (2019).
Margaret House has been selected as the Outstanding Engineering Student (2019) by Professional Engineers at New Mexico Tech.
Faculty Research Highlights
- Two chemical engineering faculty members Dr. Sanchari Chowdhury and Dr. Pabitra Choudhury
along with LANL collaborator Dr. Prashant Padmanabhan have received DOE FAIR grant
of $0.75M for three years. This is a part of DOE initiative for the Funding for Accelerated,
institutions. DOE FAIR Grant .
项目名称为“单原子和单原子的光介导合成” Atom Alloy Catalysts.” The grant will support three graduate students and one undergraduate student. The team will combine experiments and theory to develop a mild light mediated 稳定过渡金属基单原子及单原子合金的合成方法 catalysts. Single-atom and single atom alloy catalysts are promising systems to enhance 不同的催化反应包括co2还原反应、o2还原反应、水还原反应 splitting and solar energy conversion. Over the past decade, single-atom and single 原子合金催化剂因其原子效率高而受到广泛关注。 strong metal support interactions and excellent catalytic performance. However, the 单原子和单原子大规模工业应用面临的挑战 合金催化剂的合成过程复杂(步骤多,价格昂贵) processes, energy extensive etc.) for stable high loading catalysts or precise control over the alloying. The proposed light mediated synthesis of single atom and single 原子合金催化剂有很大的潜力克服这些挑战,并制造出 technology more
environmentally friendly and industry friendly. -
Congratulations to Paulo Oemig (NMSU, PI); Donghyeon Ryu (Science PI); Youngmin Lee (NMT), Yu-Lin Shen (UNM) (Co-PI)“用于非侵入性诊断的自供电可穿戴健康监测 of Health Disorders of NASA Astronauts during Space Exploration” in NASA EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for FY 2023 (Announcement # NNH23ZHA001C). Budget: $749,588 from 6/1/2023 to 5/31/2026. (Funding Awarded)Publication:“副反应对呋喃-马来酰亚胺可回收性影响的研究 Resins Based on Thermoreversible Diels–Alder Network” B. T. McReynolds, K. D. Mojtabai, N. Penners, G. Kim, S. Lindholm, Y. Lee,* J. D. McCoy,* S. Chowdhury,* Polymers 2023, 15, 1106
- Drs. S. Chowdhury and Y. Lee received a grant from the Department of Energy for their research in Development of Recyclable Thermosets for Additive Manufacturing. (2021)化学和材料工程教授获得美国能源部聚合物升级回收资助 : New Mexico Tech (
- Dr. Lee is serving as a guest editor for a special issue of 'Polymers': Special Issue "Synthetic Approaches and Applications of Conjugated Polymers"
- Dr. S. Chowdhury has published a research article Nanoscale (2020). This article is on ultrafast relaxation dynamics in bimetallic plasmonic catalysts.
- Dr. P. Choudhury has received research funding from the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) on additive manufacturing science.
- Dr. P. Choudhury's group has published a research article in J. Phys. Chem. C (2020). 这项工作是筛选甲烷制甲醇的单金属原子催化剂 conversion process at mild conditions.
- Dr. Tartis's group has published a research article in Nanotheranostics (2020). 本文研究了不溶性化疗药物的磷脂前药偶联物 agents for ultrasound targeted drug delivery.
- Dr. Tartis recieved the DURIP award from ONR “用于爆炸空化探测的光声成像”项目 Traumatic Brain Injury".
- Dr. S. Chowdhury has been awarded ACS-PRF grant for three years. Dr. P. Choudhury is an earlier recipient of the same grant.
- Dr. S. Chowdhury's group has published a research article in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2019). 本研究是关于氮化钛纳米粒子用于高效光催化的研究 bicarbonate into formate production.
- Another article is published from Dr. P. Choudhury's lab in Applied Materials Today (2019).
- Dr. P. Choudhury's group has published a research article in ACS Catalysis (2019). This work on newly improved p钙钛矿氧化物材料,析氧/还原双功能氧电催化剂 反应,对能量转换装置如燃料电池有重大影响 and rechargeable metal-air batteries.
Alumni Spotlight
Coming soon!